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Groz Beckert

Sewing machine needles from Groz-Beckert are always manufactured with the latest technology and maximum precision and always boast of first-class quality. Thanks to regular new developments and innovations, Groz-Beckert has established itself as a leading supplier of sewing machine needles.

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Sewing Machine Needle

Product variety

  • Sewing machine needles come in many different types. Generally, they can be classified according to sewing applications, such as:

  • Chainstitch needles (UY 121, UY 128, B 63, 149x5, 149x7)

  • Straight sewing needles (DBx1, 134, 134-35, 135x17, 1738)

  • Embroidery Machine Needles (DBxK5, 287 WKH)

  • Overlock needles (B 27, UY 154)

  • Blindstitch needles (29 BL, 251, 1669 E EO)

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